
Corroflon’s design differs from every other convoluted PTFE hose on the market, which results in distinctive and measurable performance and safety advantages.

Corroflon will give better cleanability and drainability than other convoluted PTFE hoses on the market. This is because Corroflon is designed and manufactured in such a way that the angle of the convolutions is extremely shallow -80° to 120°, compared with only 45° to 65° in other convoluted hose designs.

Corroflon hose sets the standard for Fluoroplastic hose designs which have a very flexible convoluted liner. The PTFE liner in Corroflon has shallow convolutions which minimise the restriction in flow rates, and an external reinforcement wire in the external convolutions provides full vacuum resistance and kink resistance. Like all the other Aflex hose products, Corroflon is an excellent chemical suction discharge hose for process fluids transfer.

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